Thursday 12 January 2012

A Bit about Love

It's a quiet lazy afternoon. The rains have stopped. Old jazz in the player. As the saxophone croons along, I think about feeling alone and left out. I think about the heartbreaks and the tears, some memories made and the moments destroyed ...

...  A view from the Ganga ghat, a lone figure looking at the other side, trying to find a company in his isolation, but it is getting dark and there is almost zero visibility. The jet zooms through in the late twilight sky, leaving behind a trail of condensed air. The crickets start their nightly orchestra, and the homeward bound birds chorus to the beat. Everyone leaves once the day ends, but the night brings some one different. Nothing is ever left alone. As the waters of the river lap the shores of both banks, a silhouette walks slowly by on the other side, stops, picks up a stone and throws it as hard as she could in the water. As the stone skims through almost half the way and finally sinks in, sending ripples around, the guy in the other side wonders what caused it.

As he turns back for home, his ipod and he hums along with Louis Armstrong, and he wonders about the rippling water, and vaguely wishes that there was enough light...

The night hugs the earth, the birds sleep for the night, the lil’ ones cozy in their mothers embrace. Somewhere an owl hoots, and keeps on hooting, and hooting..

…Oh wait, no.. It’s my mobile ringing. I pick up the call, its you. I smile as I listen about your interview. Thank God you understood who made the ripples.

Tempestuous clouds, bid me farewell

This entry is a part of <a href="">BlogAdda contests</a> in association with <a href=""></a>


  1. in love with the post and the pic.:) lovely..i can literally picturize the ominous rain clouds,the cool serene ganga breeze hitting against my face,heaven exists here

  2. @shekhar thanks :)

    @dip yup.. i know :P feel the same about the ganga :)
