Wednesday, 14 March 2012

An Odyssey

If you had been here now,
You would have seen a cat
Sitting quietly in a corner of the street;
And listened to the duet of the silent night,
And the chirping bird,
Who forgot what night and day mean.

Had you been here
You would have felt the breeze,
As it would have cooled your sun warmed cheeks,
The starry night would have smiled down
And told you, why
Van Gogh loved her more than the sun’s streaks.

You might have enjoyed walking
The solitary road,
Loneliness wouldn't have touched you still;
Your own slow stride would have ruled the path,
And the race of man
Wouldn’t have trampled your prints.

As you would have made your way
With the living around you,
Safe in their beds, sleep oozing from their doors,
You might have had noticed,
A dreamless window,
Sighs clogging its every pore.

Had you looked there,
You would have found a soul,
Detached, yet forlorn;
A silent audience of the night
Lurking in shadows,

Would you have looked closely
To find the secret?
Would you have waited to investigate?
The beauty of night is a cruel seductress,
Would you have delayed
Just a bit?

As the unknown entwines with magic,
And the breeze blows coolly
Pulling you,
Would you have walked, not looking back,
Or would you knock the door,
To make someone’s dream come true?