Monday, 30 April 2012

Waking Up from the Longest Sleep

Moments, ornamented with emotions.
Emotions ranging from tears to lust,
Emotions, as dry as dust,
Blowing in the wind, as a contagious virus.

Open your mouth
Let all the words out.
Emptiness inside.

Light as the air,
Free of hope or despair,
Decrees defied.

Going beyond everything touched or perceived,
To something craved, never received.
Not overrated peace,
Nor the pretty thorn of love,
Nor the indefinable happiness,
Freedom from shackles of the known.
Immunity from culture’s drone.
While truth looks with unblinking eyes,
Escape beyond the vast bright skies.

My love drowned me in a sea of hate
And I couldn’t find my way of escape.
In an empty room, I look at the walls unscratched,
As I sharpen my nails on my heart.

I can see myself where I wanted to be,
I can see how deep this differentiating gorge is,
I take a jump towards eternity,
Hands outstretched,ready to seize

I fall, the inevitable fall
The exponential drop from the vanishing top
I answer nature’s final call.

1 comment:

  1. My love drowned me in a sea of hate
    And I couldn’t find my way of escape.

    These two lines made my day.
